Sunday, January 3, 2010

Leaders of the Opposition: Please Show Up for Work on Jan 25th 2010

I sent this letter out to Mr. Layton and the other leaders of the opposition today, please help and follow suit!! This text is from Colin Le Fevre :

Mr. Layton

I am writing you because I want to see my elected Members of Parliament return to work on January 25th. Just because Stephen Harper has decided that he and his party do not want to do their jobs does not mean that the opposition parties need to follow suit. Although I understand that no official business can take place without the government attending there is much that can be done between the three parties who actually control a majority stake in the House of Commons.

I want to see the opposition stand up to Mr. Harper and show up for work. If you cannot use the House of Commons, find another location. Debate and work can be done in any location. Show Canada that there is not just work to be done, but that the parliamentary agenda can indeed be moved forward without Stephen Harper and his Conservative party.

I want the opposition parties to show Canada that Harper’s decision was undemocratic and for no other reason than partisan interests. You can do this through showing up for work as scheduled on January 25th, continuing to work on legislation, and continuing the debates that are necessary for the democratic process.

Stand up for democracy in Canada – show up for work and continue the legislative process… with or without the government.


Michael Kruse

1 comment:

Michael Kruse said...

Got my first "out of office reply" from Gilles Duceppe, very telling:

"Le bureau de circonscription de monsieur Gilles Duceppe, chef du Bloc Québécois et député de Laurier-Sainte-Marie, sera fermé jusqu'au 4 janvier 2010.

Toutefois, nous prendrons régulièrement connaissance de nos courriels afin d'y donner suite dans les meilleurs délais.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2010 !

Louise Brisson
Adjointe de circonscription
Gilles Duceppe, député de Laurier - Sainte-Marie
Chef du Bloc Québécois
1200, avenue Papineau - Bureau 350
Montréal (QC) H2K 4R5
Tel.: (514) 522.1339
Fax. : (514) 522.9899"