Sunday, October 26, 2008

Re: A Better Plan for Green Stability

I received this letter from the Premier of Ontario Dalton McGuinty:

The Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1A1

October 14, 2008

Mr. Michael Kruse
2104-655 Broadview Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4K 2P3

Dear Mr. Kruse:

Thanks for your online message sharing your views about
how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I'm always
interested in hearing about the things that matter most to

Our government takes our stewardship of the environment
very seriously - we believe that as responsible citizens,
each and every one of us has a role to play in tackling
climate change and reducing our environmental footprint.

I appreciate your suggestions about a carbon tax, public
transportation and incentives to encourage the use of
alternative energy. With respect to a carbon tax, Ontario's
preferred approach is to move ahead with a cap-and-trade
system - one which allows companies producing less carbon
than their caps permit to sell their unused quotas to
companies that exceed their caps. We believe it is a fair and
effective approach that is both economically and
environmentally sound. We can impose a carbon tax, we
can put in place a cap-and-trade system or we can do a bit
of both. The important thing is for different levels of
government to work together to combat climate change and
to ensure a great quality of life for future generations.

We have taken a number of important steps to reduce
emissions that cause local, regional and global air issues. I
agree that increasing the use of public transit will help
reduce traffic congestion and air pollution in our cities.
That is why our government is investing in infrastructure
funding for municipalities which includes providing money to
improve public transportation .

I have noted your views on the use of alternative energy
sources. As your views would also interest my colleague
the Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Energy
and Infrastructure, I have forwarded a copy of your online
messages to him for his information.

Thanks again for contacting me. I welcome and value your
input. Working with you and your fellow Ontarians, my
colleagues and I will redouble our efforts to make a
meaningful difference in the lives of people of all ages,
and from all walks of life. Together, by building on the
progress we have made so far, we can - and will - build
a stronger, healthier and more prosperous Ontario.

Yours truly,

Dalton McGuinty

c: The Honourable George Smitherman

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